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JAS 39
     JAS 39 GRIPEN ( JAS = Jakt Attack Spaning = Fighter-Attack-Reconnaissance ) is multi-role fighter aircraft and was developed by Saab,Sweden. JAS 39 designed to replace all models of the Royal Swedish Air Force such as Viggen and Draken. The aircraft was first flown on December 1988. The development program suffered delays because of two crashes suffered , in January 1989 and August 1993, both crashes were belived because of bugs on the flight control software. The Swedish Air Force has ordered more than 200 plane . The plane entered service with Swedish Air Force in 1996 and the deliveries will continuing till year 2007. The industrail consortium which has developed the fighter consist of Saab , Ericson Microwave System , Volvo Aero Corporation , Ericson Saab Avionics and FFV Aerotech.
     Engine built by Volvo Aero Corp.,under license from General Electric, and designated RM12. The engine is an improved version of the GE F404-400 turbofan which use on F-18. Sixty percent of the engine is made on the USA and the remainder on Sweden. Saab also studied version of the Gripen powered by alternative engines for foreign market .
     The Gripen has STOL ability and can land on a 450 meters strip. Radar , Ericsson PS-05 pulse doppler can detect typical fighter sized target at 120 km. The cockpit has three Ericsson monochrome multifuction and HUD (Head Up Display) of wide angle which manufacture from Hughes. The Gripen is one of the excellent light weight fighter and attack aircraft.
Power Plant (Turbofan) Volvo Aero (Volvo Flugmotor) RM 12
Number of Engine   1
Engine Thrust dry thrust 12,150 kg with afterburner 17,800 lbs
Wing Span   8.4 m (27 ft 7 in.)
Length   14.10 m.(46 ft 3 in.)
Speed   2,126 km/h (1,321 mph )
Range   3000 km
Takeoff Weight   14,000 kg
Payloads   5300 kg
Crew   1 (JAS39B will be 2 seats)
Armament one 27 mm cannon ,Mouser BK27
fire at two rates :
1000 or 1700 rounds / minute
can load up to 14,330 lbs
air-to-air missile Rb74 / AIM-120
air-to-surface Rb15F / Rb75
bombs and rockets
cockpit JAS 39 Gripen
1 nm.(nautical mile) = 1.15155 miles, 1 kt (knot) = 1.15155 mile / hr.
1 mach = 761 mph.(SL,ISA)

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